Minha foto
Looked dead, didn't I? Well I wasn't, but it wasn't for lack of trying, I can tell you that. Actually Bill's last bullet put me in a coma. A coma I was to lie in for five years. When I woke up, ...I went on what the movie advertisements refer to as a Roaring Rampage of Revenge. I roarded and I rampaged and I got bloody satisfaction. In all, I've killed 33 people to get to this point right now. I have only one more. The last one. The one I'm driving to right now. The only one left. And when I arrive at my destination..... I'm gonna Kill Bill.

sábado, 9 de abril de 2011

post gigantesco sobre kill bill O.O

Kill Bill !!!
Para quem é aficionado em Kill Bill(como eu), já está em andamento o volume 3 que tem como data de estréia prevista pra lá de 2014... mas para quem não consegue esperar muito, vamos lembrar cenas,frases e lutas memoráveis( pelo menos as que eu acho )
                Já no começo temos o dialogo do Bill antes do tiro almost fatal:
“Do you find me sadistic?

I bet I could fry an egg on your
          head about now, if I wanted to.
No kiddo, I'd like to believe, even
          now, you're aware enough to know
          there isn't a trace of sadism in
          my actions... Okay - Maybe towards
          these other jokers - bot not your.
No Kiddo at this moment, this is me
          at my most masochistic.” E ela fala da gravidez e SHOOT!!!
Depois the fight entre a Black Mamba e a Vernita… muito foda!
E a conversa AMIGÁVEL(sim amigável) entre as duas... e a frase:
  “It all depends... When do you want
          to die? Tomorrow? The day after
Pulando um pouco mais a frente aparece o Buck... e a frase:
“ I’m Buck and I’m here to fuck” 
e A Noiva(uma Thurman)mata ele a pauladas na porta( muito tensa a cena, mas ao mesmo tempo arriada)

Pulando mais ainda.. é foda a apresentação dos capangas da O-Ren Ishii, mas é a Gogo Yubari que é mais foda...
E claro a decepada de cabeça da O-ren sem contar o discurso depois hauhauhuahuahuahua ....

A Kiddo decepando o braço da Sofie Fatalle...
                                           É SANGUE ESPIRRANDO QUE NAUM ACABA MAIS

E depois a Gogo sendo morta... tenso, como uma pessoa em sã consciência consegue ser enforcada e ainda pensar em pegar um pedaço de madeira no chão e PAAAAAAA....
A luta com the crazy 88 
Mas é foda quando ela diz (e ainda em japonês pra todo mundo entender) hauhauha
         “ Those    of you lucky enough to still
          have    your lives. Take them with
          you.    But leave the limbs you've
          lost.    They belong to me now.”

E por fim the Bride mata O-ren ishii.

DO começo só o que presta é a frase dela dirigindo que é o "quem sou eu" deste blog

Só fica legal de novo quando aparece o Pai-Mei:
E ela saindo do caixão também é muito legal...Idéias para se um dia você for enterrado vivo... ou não ... melhor não!

Agora é a vez de ELLE DRIVER roubar a cena matando o Budd e depois tirando sarro da cara dele

O dialogo:
         “   Oh, I'm sorry Budd, that was rude
          of me wasn't it? Budd -- I'd like
          to introduce my friend, The Black
              (gesturing towards the
          Black Mamba -- this is Budd. You
          know before I picked up that little
          fella, I looked him up on the
              (she removes her notepad
               from her pocket)
          Fascinating creature the Black
          Mamba. Listen to this,
              (reading from the notepad)
          "...In Africa, the saying goes, in
          the bush, an elephant can kill you.
          A leopard can kill you. And a Black
          Mamba can kill you. But only with
          the Mamba, and this has been true
          in Africa since the dawn of time,
          is death sure. Hence its handle;
          Death Incarnate."
              (looking up from the
          Pretty cool, huh?
              (back to paper)
          "...Its neurotoxic venom is one of
          nature's most effective poisons,
          acting on the nervous system
          causing paralysis. The venom of a
          Black Mamba can kill a human in
          four hours, if say bitten on the
          ankle or the thumb. However, a bite
          to the face or torso can bring
          death from paralysis within twenty
              (up from paper to Budd)
          Now you should listen to this cause
          this concerns you.
              (reading from the paper)
          The amount of venom that can be
          delivered from a single bit can be
              (looks up from paper)
          -- You know I've always liked that
          word Gargantuan, and I so rarely
          have an opportunity to use it in a
              (back to paper)
          "If not treated quickly with anti
          venom, 10 to 15 milligrams can be
          fatal to human beings. However, the
          Black Mamba can deliver as much as
          100 to 400 milligrams of venom from
          a single bite.
          Now in these last agonizing minutes
          of life you have left, let me
          answer the question you asked
          earlier, more thoroughly. right at this moment, the biggest
          "R" I feel, is Regret. Regret that
          maybe the greatest warrior I have
          ever met, met her end at the hands
          of a bushwhackin, scrub, alacky
          piece of shit like you. The woman
          deserved better.”
Depois é os momentos dramáticos.. ela encontra a filha viva e a conversa final com o Bill
The END :(

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